We’ll meet again!

The human mind cannot comprehend the amount of love that the Lord has shown on us. It is so powerful that it has snatched us from the grips of the devil and the direction which we were naturally headed. That same love compelled our Lord Jesus to come down to frail humanity to save our perishing souls. How can the world understand this kind of love if even us, the custodians do not fully comprehend it.
One thing that we know for sure is that we shall one day be with Him, be like Him in all His glory and splendor, even though we haven’t beheld Him yet.
It is therefore said that anyone who has hope in Him, purifies Himself, just as He is pure. It is through that hope we have in Him that urges us to keep ourselves pure. Remember, He kept Himself pure all through His lifetime so that He may be a valid ransom for us. He has given us the grace to be pure, just as He is, so we can be with Him. Selah!

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